Karma Developers



At Karma Developers, we understand the importance of providing a seamless and efficient online experience for our users. Caching plays a crucial role in achieving this goal by optimizing the performance of our websites and applications. This Caching Policy outlines how we implement caching to enhance the user experience while ensuring that data accuracy and privacy are maintained.


Caching is used to improve the speed, efficiency, and overall performance of our websites, mobile applications, and other digital services. It involves the temporary storage of frequently accessed data, content, or resources on servers or local devices, reducing the need to repeatedly retrieve the same data from the original source. The primary purposes of caching at Karma Developers are as follows:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Caching allows us to deliver content and services to users more quickly, resulting in faster load times and a smoother browsing experience.
  • Reduced Server Load: By serving cached content, we can reduce the load on our servers, leading to improved system stability and resource efficiency.
  • Bandwidth Savings: Caching reduces the amount of data transferred over the internet, which is particularly beneficial for users with limited bandwidth or on mobile networks.
  • Improved Scalability: Caching strategies help us scale our digital services to accommodate increased traffic without overburdening our infrastructure.

Karma Developers employs various caching mechanisms to optimize our online platforms, including:

  • Browser Caching: We instruct web browsers to cache certain static resources (e.g., images, stylesheets, scripts) on users’ devices. This reduces the need to download these resources with each visit, resulting in faster page load times.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN) Caching: We leverage CDNs to store and serve cached copies of frequently accessed content and assets from geographically distributed servers. CDNs enhance content delivery speed and reliability.
  • Server-Side Caching: Our servers may employ server-side caching to store generated web pages, database queries, and API responses temporarily. This minimizes server load and accelerates content delivery.
  • Object Caching: For dynamic content, we use object caching to store frequently requested database queries, API responses, and other objects in memory. This reduces the need to query the database or generate content dynamically.
  • Full-Page Caching: Certain pages and content may be fully cached to provide rapid access to users. However, such caching is used judiciously to ensure data accuracy.

To maintain data accuracy and ensure that users receive the latest information when necessary, Karma Developers implements the following cache expiration and invalidation strategies:

  • Time-Based Expiration: Cached content is assigned an expiration time or “time-to-live” (TTL). Once the TTL is reached, the cached content is considered stale and is refreshed from the original source.
  • Event-Based Invalidation: When significant updates or changes occur, such as property listings, pricing updates, or content modifications, we employ event-based invalidation mechanisms to immediately purge or update relevant cache entries.
  • Manual Invalidation: In some cases, cache entries may be manually invalidated or cleared when needed to ensure that users receive the most up-to-date information.

Karma Developers is committed to protecting user privacy, and our caching policies are designed to respect user data privacy rights and preferences. We do the following to maintain privacy while using caching:

  • Sensitive Data: We avoid caching pages or content that contain sensitive user data, such as personal identification information, financial details, or private communications.
  • Privacy Headers: We use HTTP headers and meta tags to instruct browsers and CDNs not to cache specific pages or sensitive content.
  • Consent and Compliance: We adhere to data protection regulations and obtain user consent when necessary, ensuring that caching practices align with legal requirements.

Karma Developers continuously monitors and maintains our caching infrastructure to ensure optimal performance, data accuracy, and compliance with our caching policy. This includes regular checks of cache expiration settings, invalidation mechanisms, and performance optimizations.


If you encounter any issues related to caching while using Karma Developers’ online platforms, or if you have concerns about the caching of specific content, please contact us using the details provided in the “How to Contact Us” section of our Privacy Policy. We take user feedback seriously and will promptly address any caching-related concerns.


Caching is an integral part of Karma Developers’ commitment to providing a fast, reliable, and efficient online experience for our users. We strive to balance performance optimization with data accuracy and privacy considerations, ensuring that caching benefits users while preserving their rights and preferences. This Caching Policy is subject to periodic review and updates to align with evolving technologies and user expectations.